Who the hell are they going to get to play Moriarty? This is the second-most important casting decision in the entirety of Hollywood! (Penultimate only to another villain--possibly villains--scheduled for release July 20, 2010.) And casting Sherlock Holmes' archrival is no small task. This is a man who has already outsmarted Holmes and manipulated Irene Adler. A man who, in Holmes' frequently-quoted description "is the Napoleon of crime". A man who was authored for the express purpose of killing Sherlock Holmes! He must command the greatest terror this side of Transylvania!
Note that nowhere in that description was there a square jaw or rippling muscles. So, sorry Brad Pitt--you're out. Moriarty's role requires someone who looks menacing, but in a I'm-killing-you-with-my-mind way, not a I'm-about-to-call-the-Bear-Jew kind of way. Poposophical is here to lead the charge in the Moriarty casting debate. So you're probably wondering which candidate Poposphical endorses. Or maybe not. Maybe you're wondering how silly putty picks shit up off comics. (In which case you are the worst audience to ever watch movies and read this blog!) Anyway, here's the endorsement:

Daniel Day-Lewis, AKA DDL, henceforth known as Diddles. Think about it. He's British; he looks the part; he will drink your milkshake! (Or, in Holmes' case, shoot your cocaine!)
Seriously, Warner Bros. needs to cast someone who looks legitimately threatening to Sherlock and Watson. Lord Blackwood's menace (such as it was) depended entirely on his mysticism. Moriarty must be imposing on his own terms. Go ahead, name someone better. Diddles is the guy who cut out his own eye and sent it to his enemy in the mail. It may not be Moriarty-level genius, and while it's not quite as gruesome as a horse head, it is more effective than a nail-polished toe.

Consider this the official start to the Diddles-Moriarty campaign. I even created a campaign picture myself and am giving everyone free reign to spread it around the internet like a surprise STD. No need to thank me. Just make sure you tell everyone you know, and take regular trips to the clinic. But mostly the telling everyone part.

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