Truly: my rage cannot be contained. It's like those Great White Sharks in Deep Blue Sea, only, angrier, not computer-animated, and Samuel L Jackson won't be the victim (unless he turns out to be behind the decision). I see only two possible paths from this point. The first is to go on a V-for-Kill-Bill style search for vengeance, using every combination of knives, samurai katana, and household explosives imaginable to systematically track down and destroy anyone involved in the death of my beloved TV show, preferably while wearing a yellow track suit and a Guy Fawkes mask. I will not descend into those depths. I am not a killer--that title rests with Fox. So, (I would like to stress this for legal purposes,) no one will die because of this. Not even that kind of revenge would be sufficient to express my indignation. No, there's only way for me to do that:
Write a poem.
Yes! Only in the deep nuances of the poetic form can I ever hope to fully convey my outrage. Not even the bloodiest rampage can compete with an AABB rhyme scheme. (Check out KMDB for proof, twice). Thus, I present:
Fuck You Fox
(A Sonnet)
Dollhouse was a show sexy, sleek, and smart,
and yet you had doomed it from the start.
The first small fact I'd like for you to note:
viewers don't see what you don't promote.
You kept the future from being bright
by deciding to air it on Friday night.
With a lead-in so bad, I can't bear it;
name one person who watches Brad Garrett!
And now you have wronged Joss Whedon twice,
meanwhile pretending to play it nice.
But Fox, your disguise fools us no more.
Beneath your facade, you're just a whore.
Ah, but what phoenix rises from this burn?
Time for an evil Doctor to return.

Your "Fuck You Fox" sonnet kicks my anti-Fox poem's ass. And I love the dramatic NPH picture at the end.